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Tell us what you're looking for, fill out the form, and we'll introduce you to the hottest early-stage startups around.

Investment made easy

Tired of sifting through endless pitches? Fill out our quick form, and we’ll line up startups tailored for you.

Stay ahead effortlessly

Our real-time insights keep you informed. Make your next investment decision data-driven and precise.

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Your time is valuable. We connect you only with startups that match your focus and interests.

Discover the undiscovered

We bring you outlier opportunities beyond your usual network.

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How it works

Fill out the form
3 minutes. Only essential questions. Tell us your startup preferences.
It’s a Match!
If we find a match between you and a startup in our database, we’ll notify you both via email. Then, you do your magic.
Make them grow
If we identify a promising startup not yet ready for investment, we’ll ask you to provide feedback not to miss a mutual opportunity.